15 Nov Think Summit Madrid 2019 presents the path to innovation
Innovation, transformation and strategy is what was experienced at the Think Summit Madrid 2019. An event attended by more than 2000 people, all interested in learning the latest technology to transform their businesses.
Marta Martínez, President of IBM for Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel, was in charge of opening Think Madrid, reviewing how digital transformation has influenced companies from the beginning. In her opinion, “the first years of digital transformation have been focused on reducing costs and transforming customer interaction processes. Now we have to get to the heart of the technology system and modernize critical workloads to take advantage of the full value of data and generate innovation, agility and differentiation”.
At the event, the 5 Spanish innovations that will change our lives in the next 5 years were also presented. They are all from the food sector, especially focused on their production, in a context of growing population and changing atmospheric conditions, evaluated by IBM Research, the largest and one of the most influential research departments in the world.
After the plenary session, the event was divided into three different campuses: Cloud and Infrastructure, Security and Resilience and Data and Artificial Intelligence, all with high-quality speakers, who showed the latest technological trends in each of these areas.
Habber Tec was present in the Solutions room, on the Cloud and Infrastructure campus, showing to those who were interested our demo of a virtual cognitive assistant that integrates artificial intelligence capabilities (machine learning and natural language processing) with process automation (robotization, cognitive capture, automatic decision making, process and document management).