Habber Tec collaborates in the Telefónica and IBM project of Cloud Garden

We are very proud to participate in “Cloud Garden”, the new service with which Telefónica and IBM help companies accelerate their digital transformation through the use of advanced technologies such as ‘cloud’, the Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain.

Telefónica and IBM join forces in the cloud market to drive the digital transformation of companies

Telefónica and IBM join forces in the cloud market to drive the digital transformation of companies

Telefónica and IBM have reached an agreement to launch a new service for companies in the cloud, called ‘Cloud Garden’, with which both seek to help companies tackle their necessary digital transformation using different technologies such as the cloud itself , Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data and blockchain. Under the terms of the agreement, Telefónica will integrate the latest IBM technologies in hybrid cloud, AI and blo …

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